Design Registration (IPR)

Design Registration in India | Industrial Product Design

Registration and Protection of Industrial Product Design in India

  • Valid for 10 years, Extendable further 5 years.
  • Application filing in 2 days, Registration takes approx 3-6 months by Authority
  • Our Pricing starts @ Rs 6,999/-

Industrial Design Registration at a glance

The registration and protection of industrial designs in India is administered by the Designs Act , 2000 and corresponding Designs Rules , 2001 which came into force on 11th May 2001 repealing the earlier Act of 1911. The Design Rules, 2001 was further amended by Designs (Amendment) Rules 2008 and Designs (Amendment) Rules 2014. The last amendment in Designs Rules came in to force from 30th December, 2014, which incorporates a new category of applicant as small entity in addition to natural person and other than small entity.

A Design refers to the features of shape, configuration,pattern, ornamentation or composition of lines or colours applied to any article, whether in two or three dimensional (or both) forms. This may be applied by any industrial process or means (manual, mechanical or chemical) separately or by a combined process, which in the finished article appeals to and judged solely by the eye. Design does not include any mode or principle of construction or anything which is a mere mechanical device. It also does not include any trade mark or any artistic work.

Design registration provides the creator, exclusive rights over use of the design for a period of ten years, that can be further extended for a period of five years. In case of infringement, the owner of a registered design can seek legal remedy under the Design Act.

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    Benefits of Industrial Design Registration?

    Exclusive Right on the Design

    By Registering the Design with Authority, applicant Obtain exclusive rights to a product with a particular appearance which may result in a substantial return on the investment because it will allow you to prevent others from reproducing a popular design.

    Valuable Business Asset

    An industrial design registration may be a valuable business asset. The success of a product is usually influenced by its appearance; in an aesthetic-driven consumer base, the looks of a product also plays an important part to attract consumers towards the product to buy.

    Right to claim damage

    If your industrial design is infringed upon, you may bring your case to court and be awarded damages for the lost sales you have incurred as a result of the infringement of your design registration. This allows you to focus on establishing products on the basis of superior industrial design without worrying about knock-offs from competitors who can produce items cheaper or who can scale their manufacturing quicker.

    License or sell

    Owner can license or sell his design as legal property for a consideration or royalty.

    Documents Requirements for Industrial Design Registration?

    Representation of the Design ( 4 copies on durable paper of size 210mm x 296.9 mm with a suitable margin)

    A statement of novelty and disclaimer (if any)

    Power of attorney (if necessary)

    Priority documents (if any) in case of convention application

    Applicant's Details

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