Employees State Insurance Registration

Employees State Insurance Registration

Mandatory for a company having 10/20 or more employees, Salary upto Rs 21,000 PM

  • Employer’s Statutory Liablity to deposit monthly PF 
  • Registration time taken 4-7 days 
  • Our pricing starts @ Rs 5,000/-

Employees State Insurance Scheme at a glance

ESI Scheme is govern by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, implemented as per the ESI Act 1948.

The ESI Scheme applies to factories and other establishment’s viz. Road Transport, Hotels, Restaurants, Cinemas, Newspaper, Shops, and Educational/Medical Institutions wherein, 

  • 10 or more workers ( 20 or more in some states) working and
  • Drawing Salary/wages upto Rs.21,000/- per month.

ESI Corporation has extended the benefits of the ESI Scheme to the workers deployed on the construction sites located in the implemented areas under ESI Scheme w.e.f. 1st August, 2015.

Under the ESI Scheme,

  • Employer contributes 4.75% of the wages.
  • Employees’ Contribution is 1.75% of the wages.
  • Employees, earning less than Rs. 137/- a day as daily wages, are exempted from payment of their share of contribution.Employers will however contribute their own share in respect of these employees.

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    Legal requirement of Employer towards Employees State Insurance Scheme

    Comply Rule & Take Registration

    It is Statutory obligation of the employers on which ESI Scheme apply under the ESI Act, 1948 , shall comply the provisions of the Act and Register their Factory/ Establishment under the ESI Act within 15 days from the date of its applicability.

    Enrol Eligible Employee

    Enrolment of all eligible employees on its rolls (regular or contractual) – wages upto Rs 21,000 at the time of joining the establishment. And take a print out of the Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). On linking of Aadhar with IP insurance number, TIC will automatically be converted into a Permanent Identity Card (PIC). With PIC the IP and his family members can avail benefits under the ESI Scheme, without any hitch.

    ESI Contribution

    Employer contributes 4.75% of salary ( Basic +DA+ Retaining allowance) and Employees Contribution 1.75% which is deducted from employee's salary deposit with ESI Account within the due date.

    File Monthly Return

    Every month Employer file ESI return online with details of Employee, salary and ESI contribution amount within the due date.

    Remittance of Monthly ESI

    The total amount of contribution (Employer and Employee) is to be deposited in any branch of SBI by ONLINE generation of a challan through ESIC portal using his credentials. ESIC has facilitated payment of ESI Contribution online by employer via the payment gateway of 58 banks in addition to SBI.

    File Half Yearly Return

    File half yearly return and report to ESIC authorities if there is any change in business activity, address, ownership and the management, maintenance of registers and records etc.

    Maintenance of records

    For ESI compliance the employer has to maintain following records: 1. Wage record and books of Account maintained under other laws. 2. Accident Register in new Form-11 and 3. An inspection book. 4. The immediate employer is also required to maintain the Employees’ Register for the employees deployed to the principal employer. There is no time limit in PF ACT to keep the records. It is suggestible preserve records for atleast 7-10 years.

    Documents requirement for Employee State Insurance Registration

    Permanent Account Number

    Digital Signature of Employer

    Bank Details ( Cancelled Cheque)

    List of Eligible Employees with Salary breakup

    Address Proof ( COI/Telephone/Electricity/Water bill)

    Partnership Deed ( for Partnership Firm)

    Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company

    Factory License/Shop & Establishment Registration Certificate

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